--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuck Internet Censorship --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's right, fuck all that. I am free to say it out loud, and so I should also be free to transmit the ASCII translation of it whenever I want to on the internet. Government regulation of free speech and expression is bullshit. Isn't that one of the reasons why our Founding Fathers fought for their own country ? Damn right it is. And it shouldn't be any different now. The internet doesn't change one thing about human nature. The fact is, there are sick people everywhere in society (and I mean mentally sick, not physically sick). So much controversy is being raised about pedophiles on the internet, pornography, blah blah blah... All of that stuff existed before the internet did. They exist in society, not the internet. the internet is just a means af fast and reliable communication. Going to a site that has pornographic material is just like walking into an Adult Video store. Of course it's accessible to children as well as adults, unlike the video stores, but it isn't the job of the government to keep kids out. It's the job of their parents. If they teach their children that such things are wrong, then they will know better than to even waste their time with it. On the other hand, if the parents don't oversee what their kids are doing because they just don't give a shit, then it is a problem. But the problem isn't the internet. It's the parents. The same people (children and adults alike) that entertain such immoral subject matter on the internet do exactly the same thing off the internet. Who's to stop them ? It's their own choice, and if they do not choose wisely, then they will suffer the consequences. Regulation doesn't stop the problem, it only makes it a little more challenging for the people determined to promote and entertain such subject matter. Alcohol and tobacco regulation never stopped any minors I know from drinking and smoking. If you tell people that they can't do something, it makes them even more motivated to do it. Just let it go. Let the parents do what regulation they can, and let the children learn about these things through experience. If we show them that these things exist and that they are wrong, they will be less apt to pursue them on or off the internet. If we hide things from them and say that they're bad, it only makes curious minds more interested in finding out what we are hiding. If our government worried a little more about balancing it's checkbook instead of nosing in where it doesn't belong, life would be a lot easier on all of us. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prev|Next|Index| Ray's Home Page